Comments on: Sol-Ark 15k: The Ultimate Off Grid Solar Inverter Simply Sustainable Thu, 07 Sep 2023 13:52:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Excell Berryhill Fri, 09 Sep 2022 13:51:06 +0000 I would like to say this is the easiest inverter I have installed, it is so quiet and their is very few wires to use. I would recommend buying from Practical Preppers and watch his youtube channel Engineer775. The manual is easy to read and the wire diagrams were very helpful. This inverter is powering about 65% of my home and is tried into the grid. I have 28 panels that produce close to 12,460 watts. I’m not selling back power to the grid because I’m using every Watt I produce. I still have more room in the SOL-ARK15 to add more panels and bring my production up to 80%. I bought inverter because I wanted to reduce my need on grid power. Lori was a great help in customer service with my questions.
