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Homestead Independence
Starts Here
Plan and Design
- We start with a consultation where we’ll discuss the goals you have for your homestead and how to achieve them
- We’ll consider provisions for power, running water, hot water & AC
- We’ll design the solar system you need
- We show 3D renderings of the system in your space
Ship And Install
- We’ll order and ship all materials to your installation site
- We offer permit packages, drawings, diagrams & more to assist
- We offer DIY & turnkey installation solutions
- We offer constant support and advice to our DIY installers
极速赛车168官方赛车在线开奖平台-极速赛车开奖官网1分钟开奖记录 Lifetime Support
- 极速赛车在线查询开奖记录平台 168极速赛车官网开奖历史 75秒赛车 极速168赛车官方开奖查询结果记录 We provide ongoing support for our customers after their system is installed
- Support is free, just contact us!
- Join our Facebook group to stay connected with other like-minded families
- Subscribe our popular YouTube channel to keep up with our latest sustainable projects
Why 168极速赛车官网开奖历史 | 极速168赛车官方开奖查询结果 Solar?
168极速赛车官网开奖历史 | 极速168赛车官方开奖查询结果 Scott Hunt, mechanical engineer and nationally recognized preparedness expert, founded Practical Preppers® out of a passion for helping families achieve independence and security in an unstable world.
For us, solar is playing a big part of an even bigger goal: to have a completely self-sustainable home. When we design solar systems, we’re planning provisions not only for power, but also for running water, hot water, heating/cooling, etc. We discuss all these things during our first consultation meeting.
Learn More With Engineer775
Follow Practical Preppers® founder Scott Hunt (aka Engineer775) as he experiments, educates, and engages viewers to live an independent, sustainable lifestyle.
Get Started
Scott Hunt
60 Minute Consultation
- 1 hour
- $200
We are now booking 2023 turnkey installations and DIY projects